IV Therapy

IV Nutritional therapy is a medical procedure to assist with fluid and nutrient repletion. It is, by no means, a replacement for treatment of specific diagnosed ailments, but is used as a complement to their conventional medical treatment methods, as well as aiding with general wellness. IV therapy is provided through the use of a catheter placed into a vein, through which fluid enriched with nutrients and antioxidants, such as vitamins and minerals, are continuously infused. The contents of the IV solution should be chosen in correlation to an individual’s existing medical condition along with the intended “goal” of the therapy. Therefore, it is imperative that we first perform a consultation to review your medical history, including your laboratory test results, to optimize therapy.

We often hear the phrase “You are what you eat”. However, in terms of optimizing nutrients from our resources, it may be more accurate to say “ You are what you absorb”. Unfortunately, there are multiple factors such as the condition of our gastrointestinal flora, certain medical conditions, and even medications which inhibit our ability to absorb many of our necessary nutrients. By infusing these nutrients directly into the bloodstream, we can alleviate many of these situations and achieve maximum delivery to our cells (10-20 times more nutrients than by taking orally) and improve bioavailability.  After a medical review has been performed and an individual is deemed a candidate to undergo IV nutritional therapy, specific nutrients can be chosen to focus on specific goals such as enhanced athletic performance or improved immunity.

The frequency of IV nutritional therapy depends on each individual, their underlying medical conditions and overall goal of therapy. However, in general, acute problems such as dehydration from a gastrointestinal upset, colds and athletic events such as a marathon, may require only a limited number of treatments. In more chronic conditions or general health maintenance, a monthly treatment may be beneficial.